
Massage Therapy reduces stress and tension in muscles, lowers blood pressure and heart rate, improves blood circulation and calms the nervous system. We offer the following types of massage and services customized to meet your specific needs:

Medical Massage

A combination of various techniques including the following:

  • Soft tissue mobilization: Specific movements of light or deep pressure applied to muscles or tendons depending on the stage and depth of the injury. It promotes muscle relaxation, increases blood flow, decreases inflammation and promotes healing.
  • Myofascial Release: Techniques that involve applying slow, gentle and sustained stretching of connective tissue. It promotes decreased restrictions of fascia and the interconnecting tissue surrounding muscles, bones and internal organs. The end result is the elimination of pain and restoration of motion in the effected body parts.
  • Trigger Point Therapy: A bodywork technique that involves applying sustained pressure to areas of increased tenderness in muscle tissue. This technique decreases soreness, relieves pain, restores restricted range of motion and decreases dysfunction of muscles and joints.

Craniosacral Therapy

A gentle method of evaluating and enhancing the craniosacral system rhythm that is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. By enhancing cerebrospinal fluid rhythm, these sessions improve the body’s natural ability to heal itself. This technique is beneficial for a variety of conditions including:

  • Migraine Headaches
  • Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Autism
  • Emotional imbalance
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Deep Tissue Massage

Slow and deep strokes focused on congested tissue and contracted muscles which often result from repetitive computer use, recurring sports injuries or stress. It reduces chronic tension in muscles, and breaks up existing scar tissue caused by injury or surgery.

Sports Massage

A blend of Swedish and Deep Tissue techniques focused on the specific body parts most impacted by the athlete’s sport(s). Sports massage can be used before an event to prepare an athlete for peak performance, or afterwards to drain away fatigue, decrease swelling and reduce muscle tension and pain.

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is the most commonly offered and best known type of massage in the United States. Swedish massage strokes are the basis for many other types of massages such as deep tissue, sports and pre-natal. Swedish massage promotes relaxation, reduces muscle tension, improves blood circulation and calms the nervous system.

Pre and Post Natal Massage

Pre-Natal massage is a technique specifically tailored to the expectant mother's needs. During the session, the client is comfortably and safely positioned and supported with pillows. Generally, Swedish massage strokes are used, and the areas of the body contraindicated for pregnant women are avoided. Pre-Natal massage can contribute to:

  • Decreasing aches and pains in the back, neck, shoulders and pelvic/hip area
  • Reducing headaches caused by muscle tension and stress
  • Promoting relaxation
  • Improving skin elasticity
  • Reducing swelling in the hands and lower legs


We are conveniently located in Alexandria, VA.


30 min  $75 (the same prenatal)

45 mins  $95

60 mins  $115 (the same prenatal)

75 min  $140 (the same prenatal)

90 mins  $165 (the same prenatal)

60 min Ashiatsu   $120

75 min Ashiatsu   $145

90 min Ashiatsu   $170

60 min CranioSacral  $130

75 min CS (combo of CranioSacral therapy and massage)   $155

90 min CS (combo of CranioSacral therapy and massage)   $180

2 hours   $210

10% discount with 10 session purchase

Payment methods: check or cash

Schedule a Massage

Schedule a massage by calling
(703) 980-5304 or by email.

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